Health Benefits of Knitting & Crocheting
What its just a bit of yarn and needles?
For me the whole set up of knitting and crocheting is more than just yarn and needles and what you can create from it all. I have been knitting from I was probably around 6 or 7 years of age – nanny taught me and I loved it. But what does it do for me that is about Health Benefits and what makes it so important to me in regards to Health and Well being…..
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Benefits of crocheting and knitting include
- Reduced stress
- Better ability to cope with illness (physical or mental)
- Decreased risk of cognitive impairment as you age
This blog from LoveKnitting perfectly explains how and why Knitting and even crocheting is totally beneficial for your health and well being.
For me knitting has been a brilliant skill that has allowed me to keep sane in a very insane world at times, it has helped me manage my own emotional and mental health and well being having suffered with depression and many other illnesses throughout my adult life. Its been a total constant in the back ground that is my go to activity when I am feeling down, upset or just want to make and create something for me or for someone else.
For goodness sake I even make a very small living from it now and I love it.
My mum recently took back up her needles and as a life long knitter learnt how to crochet and she is fantastic at it – started at 70 years of age so goes to show you are never too old to learn a new skill. She has produced wonderful cushions that I have in my living room pride of place as they were handmade for me.
My sister is similar with sewing and is now creating all sorts from kids dresses, aprons and beautiful keepsakes for the home that again much of what she makes and gives as presents I have them treasured in my bedroom again pride of place as they were created specifically for me. She has used this to support her issues with Mental health and also a long term debilitating condition such as fibromyalgia ( which I suffer from also and for us both we find knitting, sewing or crocheting has so many of the health benefits that it quite frankly is better often than medication – well its my form of medication and I like it much better than pills and potions.
So when others say its just for old people and grannies
I just say – what …… I knit – whats your super power ……
When I hear people just saying its just yarn and needles and for old people I just laugh to myself – if they only knew – its why I would love so many more people to take it up as a hobby and do it even if its just making simple things for themselves or their home.
another perfect article on the Health benefits is
One of the best areas for me when I started to look at the Health Benefits of Knitting and Crocheting was the whole area around meditation – and my knitting I just zone out – I can find myself just sitting in the now, being mindful, taking my mind of anything but what I am knitting or crocheting and I do firmly believe that it has helped me so much.
Am I ever going to give up …… Hell No never – if fact if I could just knit and crochet all day long or as often as I wanted – life would be even better.
Hoped you have enjoyed my little blog today and liked the links through to the health benefits of knitting and crocheting – so get your needles or hooks out folks and get going – honestly once you start you will be addicted.