20 Reasons why you should learn to knit
an article from the Metro blog by Jamie Jones Saturday April 9th 2016.
And I thought I would write a bit of a blog about it as I am very passionate about knitting and would love everyone to try it and learn to do it.
2 needles and a ball or 2 of wool and yes you too can whip up something rather good and very snazzy but more than that you can get really creative as well – and this is what I love about knitting and teaching people to knit.
I want to see more articles like this out there to show people why they should learn to knit – knitting is good for your health as well – who knew eh.
Yes it is good for your emotional well being, your mental health and physical health by reducing stress – so now not only can you be creative and practical in making something you can get healthier as well.
The article talks about going into charity shops and picking up patterns and even needles – but do not forget your local market wool stall as well – they are brilliant for finding really good range of wool especially is you are not wanting to spend a fortune and just learning. Look up your local market and see what they have on offer, you will also find they have link
Use bright colours and really jazz up your living space – now that always brings a smile to anyone. Again as the Jamie in the article writes – buying wool can become a bit addictive especially as you get the knitting bug and want to do more and more. Remember there are loads of online sites and also as said local shops and markets where you can buy wonderful different types of wool, varieties of styles of wool from acrylic to specialised cashmere, merino and alpaca – as well as the speciality sheep wool yarns that are coming back into fashion across the UK.
Get out and knit and natter – so many that I work with love them – and they can range from Knit and Bitch groups (never sat well with me as I never felt we knitted and bitched about anyone lol) and groups can be for all age ranges, shapes and levels of knitting – another great health benefit of knitting – the socialising side. Once you start you will find loads of groups to join on social media – from Facebook to Pinterest and you can get lost for hours in it all – or is that just me lol…….
So a great article – and thoroughly enjoyable to read and share and 20 great reasons for you to learn to knit most definitely.
Check out this other article from George Lindsay- Watson 23rd July 2015 on Metro.co.uk