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Who Is The Knitting Fairy Sharon Jardine?

Who is the Knitting Fairy?

Well I was born and raised in small town in Northern Ireland – and was taught to knit and crochet by my nanny when I was probably around 6 – 7 years of age.

You’d never see me with out something to do with crafting even from such a young age.

My dolls and teddies always had the height of fashion, of course, designed and created by me. And thats where the bug of crafting always came from – even in school while others where smoking behind the bike shed, I was crocheting and hanging out other side of the smokers lol.

Well my love of knitting has just grown over the years and moved from being a lovely childhood hobby to an adult hobby.

I moved to England in 1990 after getting married, lived on Wirral for 11 years and in 2001 moved to Widnes in Cheshire. Still knitting and crocheting, still creating but now making for friends as they had their own families – from fun toy creations to full hit Christening shawls and full outfits fit for any little ones special day – you name it I was making it.  But still nothing more than that.

My dream has always to run my own wool shop – used to say it would be my perfect job and career.

From Hobby To Business

Anyway moving swiftly forward to 2011 – redundancy from 20 + years working in full time job and I found as I was recuperating from a serious health situation that maybe I might take this idea one step forward – and so in November 2011 Pitter Patter Tiny Feet was created and began its life on Facebook.

I started attending Craft Fairs and Community / Charity Events and soon found where it was right for me to sit in marketing my little craft business.

Me – I love to knit, crochet and just create – its my passion to make good quality creations that are special to any little one or not so little one to have.  I adore all types of knitting but I love often the more complicated and intricate knits as they are challenging but so rewarding when completed.

I love to see more people taking up this hobby and craft and making things for themselves.

For me Pitter Patter Tiny Feet has grown into a Knitting Emporium – I have a website, an online shop and I blog on all sorts of things crafting and knitting related – and I am loving it.

My online shop is

please do not hesitate to contact me in regards to any of the shop items whilst I normally post only within the UK I am able to look at posting abroad – but will discuss with you first the costs please do not order until had that discussion xx


All my work is hand made by me – no one else involved but me – I take ideas from patterns or things I see around me and redesign them to how I think they would look better or more creative or even personal to how you might want it.

I currently live in Widnes, have 2 great teenage kids, hubby (nearly 29 years married – long service medal on order) and have 1 gorgeous black labrador  and I am not sure I will ever stop knitting or crafting.

Thank you for visiting and please do not hesitate to contact me in any area of knitting or craft related area.

Sharon – aka the Knitting Fairy x

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