Today I have decided to look at launching the Website and blog for – All things Knitting related at Pitter Patter Tiny Feet Knitting Emporium.
What it will be like and how it will all turn out ? To be honest at this actual moment in time I am not 100% sure but what I can guarantee is that there will be tantrums, there will be tears, there will be humour and lots of lovely creations to talk about and share with whoever would like to visit and say hello on the website and on the FB page.
Today is just the start of All things Knitting related – over the coming 6 – 12 months I am challenging myself to update the shop regularly and discuss with you how and what I make and support anyone who wants to get into the Craft Business world. I will share what its been like for me and how interesting it is in the crafty world of knitting.
In the mean time I will leave you with this – get knitting and have fun with it – create what ever you like and share it with your family and friends – it is a craft that has been slowly but surely building momentum again and I just love to see it.
Pop along to my FB page and say hello –
I look forward to heaps of contact and knitting discussions and all things knitting related x
The Knitting Fairy 🙂