Knitting & Crocheting Classes Liverpool
Started for me last night at The Button Boutique on 3 Brick Street, Off Jamaica Street – L1 0HL
Finally Knitting Crocheting Classes have come to Liverpool via me The Knitting Fairy @ Pitter Patter Tiny Feet Knitting Emporium but also The Button Boutique based in Liverpool. The call was placed that there are many interested in learning these skills – so of course we needed to respond.
How did it go? Well it was rather a great evening – my fear to be honest is that you often as a crafter and skilled hand knitter `forget` how simple you make it look but often it can be so complicated for people. But tonight everyone was up and going and throughly enjoying the evening, learning new skills and everyone got it. We did the basics of casting on, garter stitch and purl – but we all have to start some where and here are the foundations of knitting.
But let me tell you a little about The Button Boutique as well first of all – this wonderful company and workshop space is based on 3 Brick Street – right in the heart of the Liverpool Baltic Triangle area – great venue and so easy to find and great access from all areas no matter where you are coming from in the Liverpool and surrounding area.
I walked into this building only a few weeks back and the relaxed lovely atmosphere is intoxicating – especially as a crafter – lovely airy building but bright and funky.
Gemma who owns the company is really lovely and approachable – Gemma and her team Vikki offer a great range of activities and workshops for all – from Mums & Tots activity sessions, Holiday crafting camps to therapeutic workshops – including Hen parties and Baby Showers using crafting activities as a really more unusual activity yet creative and long lasting as well. Encouraging the individuals creativity to come out and have fun all at the same time – perfect.
So after our initial meeting Gemma asked me to consider if I would be interested in delivering their Knitting & Crocheting workshops/classes as they have been asked by range of customers and clients enquiring about it – and you know what I thought “Ok, why not” – I have been knitting and crafting for 40 years – come on Sharon get with it – you are a qualified trainer & teacher use those skills to deliver your craft.
So off we go and our first session was last night Wednesday 15th October – and it was great. We had a few people come along, bring their wool, needles and patterns – some were total new beginners, some refreshing their knitting skills and another could knit but not totally sure of pattern directions.
And I was in my element – a bit nerve wrecking as I tend to over think things – but I had prepped with Instruction sheets, a basic chunky garter stitch scarf pattern for people to take away – including instructions for those who might be left handed. And most of all we had fun, chatting, knitting and enjoying the company of each other whilst knitting. Knitting & Crocheting Classes now happening in Liverpool.
What we did decide to look at doing for some of those who want to is use up odd balls of wool learning to knit and making fingerless mitts and hats for the homeless and then Gemma donating them to the Homeless shelter in the local city.
After last nights session I am so glad I have decided to branch out a bit with my skills, knowledge and experience in this area and I am so pleased to have met and come into contact with Gemma & Vikki from The Button Boutique – who knows where this will all go but with the right venue, lovely company owners and lots of lovely people looking to learn new and up skilling themselves I can really see this doing well.
Its not in the slightest bit formal, really relaxed, comfy seating, tea & coffee, biscuits to boot as well – suits me totally – friendly and approachable – as it should be to share this wonderful skill and I look forward to seeing all the wonderful creations everyone makes and that new people are learning this invaluable skill and passing on for the future.
So if you are looking to find Knitting & Crocheting Classes in Liverpool – pop over to The Button Boutique and come along.
3 Brick Street, Off Jamaica Street
Liverpool, L1 0HL
£5 per session – bring yourself, bring your knitting, your crocheting, your patterns and just come along and have some fun
Wonder if you could help me I have a pattern for a crochet newborn out which i want doing, but i dont crochet do you know someone who could crochet this for me and if so could you put them in touch with myself via email and i will get back to them. Thanks Lynda
Hi Lynda
If you contact me via my FB page I can forward you to a couple of crocheters that I know – some local and some not so local but can post out to you.
Or try on Facebook some of the local knitting and crocheting pages sometimes they will crochet for people but not sure I have email to forward on etc.
Thank you for commenting and hope to hear from you on FB page.